Corallivorous gastropod (Coralliophila violacea) feeding on a Porites cylindrica coral. (Credit: Cody Clements, Georgia Tech)
A previously overlooked predator could be increasing the pressure on endangered coral reefs.

Hydrogel delivered stem cells called muscle satellite cells integrate to form new muscle strands, in green, along with existing muscle tissue, in red. Yellow strands may descend from existing muscle cells and from delivered MuSCs.
Elderly accident victims and Duchene muscular dystrophy sufferers could someday benefit from this stem cell hydrogel successfully tested in mice.
Researchers studied the motion of mudskippers to understand how early terrestrial animals might have moved about on mud and sand, including sandy slopes. This animal was photographed at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.  (Credit: Rob Felt, Georgia Tech)
A new study used a robot to help understand how the first land animals moved about.
This year's festival will have more than 100 events on offer for those of all ages interested in exploring the worlds of science and technology
An earring is shown paired with a transdermal patch backing. The white ring is the patch containing the contraceptive hormone. (Credit: Mark Prausnitz, Georgia Tech)
Family planning for women might one day be as simple as putting on an earring.
Do you want help exploring all of the career options available to PhD Scientists and Engineers going into the biomedical workforce?
Karan Jani presents his research on Black Holes at the 4th Annual Georigal Tech Postdoctoral Research Symposium.
College of Sciences postdocs do well in research symposium