Georgia Tech researchers are leveraging AI to address sustainability challenges in areas like climate change, urban farming, food distribution, and carbon storage, while ensuring ethical use of the technology.
Researchers etch nano-sized textures and add copper ions to create a naturally antibacterial material for hospitals and other shared settings.
New Engineering Faculty Members, All Hailing from Georgia Tech ECE. Top row (l-r): Maad Alowaifeer, Bahar Asgari, Ningyuan Cao, Zackory Erickson, and Yan Fang. Bottom row (l-r): Min-gu Kim, Jingfei Liu, Oluwaseun Sangodoyin, Wonbo Shim, and Jong-Hyeok Yoon.
Ten recently minted Georgia Tech ECE Ph.D. graduates and postdoctoral fellows/associates have been hired into faculty positions around the world, despite a difficult and challenging job market.
The Dave Johnson coal-fired power plant in central Wyoming. Credit: Wikimedia Commons CC 2.0 Generic Goebel
This is what could happen if all endangered regulations that help in the fight against harmful ozone go away.
In a vile three watery solutions phase separate into three layers. In membraneless organelles, chemical reactions occur at the interfaces of such layers, processing a reactant step-by-step and moving the reaction product from one layer to the next. Credit: Georgia Tech / Rob Felt
Just tiny puddles. That's what some of our cells' organelles are, and this synthetic organelle, engineered in the lab, shows how they can work.
This could actually become a practical, marketable energy solution. Practical to run at cooler temperatures and on cheap fuel: the new fuel cell in the lab of Meilin Liu at Georgia Tech. Credit: Georgia Tech / Christopher Moore
Cheap fuel, cool temperatures, low material costs: This fuel cell could spread to homes and cars.

Hydrogel delivered stem cells called muscle satellite cells integrate to form new muscle strands, in green, along with existing muscle tissue, in red. Yellow strands may descend from existing muscle cells and from delivered MuSCs.
Elderly accident victims and Duchene muscular dystrophy sufferers could someday benefit from this stem cell hydrogel successfully tested in mice.
GT students take top honors
Top honor went to Andrew Medford, Joshua Gomberg
Image shows a jet exhibiting chaotic whipping as it emerges from a needle in a microfluidic device. (Credit: Josefa Guerrero)
Researchers have now learned to control the chaotic structure that results from microfluidic jets..
Yiying Zhu
ECE Postdoctoral Research Fellow Yiying Zhu has been invited to attend the 2018 Rising Stars Workshop, hosted by the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.