Hydrogel delivered stem cells called muscle satellite cells integrate to form new muscle strands, in green, along with existing muscle tissue, in red. Yellow strands may descend from existing muscle cells and from delivered MuSCs.
Elderly accident victims and Duchene muscular dystrophy sufferers could someday benefit from this stem cell hydrogel successfully tested in mice.
Nastassia Patin brings attention to the tiniest residents of Georgia Aquarium.
An earring is shown paired with a transdermal patch backing. The white ring is the patch containing the contraceptive hormone. (Credit: Mark Prausnitz, Georgia Tech)
Family planning for women might one day be as simple as putting on an earring.
Yiying Zhu
ECE Postdoctoral Research Fellow Yiying Zhu has been invited to attend the 2018 Rising Stars Workshop, hosted by the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.