This workshop will help future faculty unlock the mystery of student motivation in the classroom
Attend this faculty teaching workshop exploring emerging grading techniques.
Graduate students and postdocs preparing for faculty positions will learn how student diversity affects learning.
Join us for the keynote presentation for Celebrating Teaching Day!
Understanding the research about effective teaching techniques will help graduate students and postdocs develop their teaching philosophy and practice.
Evaluating student learning through classroom assessment techniques helps graduate students and postdocs monitor the effectiveness of their teaching.
Join us for the Celebrating Teaching Day poster session!
Apply concept of self-authoring to participants' own career goals.
The Graduate Student Government Association, Graduate Career Development and Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) will host CRIDC at the Georgia Tech Student Center on March 5, 2015.
Faculty and administrators from Bates College, Dickinson College, and Williams College will be visiting to recruit potential faculty across a wide variety of disciplines.