Learn about government jobs in biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Do you want to find a career that's enjoyable and rewarding? How do you find the right path, especially when there are so many career directions scientists can follow?
Faculty and administrators from Bates College, Dickinson College, and Williams College will be visiting to recruit potential faculty across a wide variety of disciplines.
Learn about the Insight Fellows Program, a training fellowship for grad students and postdocs designed to bridge the gap between academia and a career in data science.
Panelists will speak about their career paths and share tips on the job search.
Learn about the role of PhD scientists and engineers in journalism, human resource practices, nuances of writing for a variety of organizations, skills sets, and transitioning into journalism.
For postdocs and PhD students interested in biomedical career options.
This one-day workshop will introduce participants to non-traditional, interactive teaching methods in the classroom.
For postdocs and PhD students interested in biomedical career options.
Versatile PhD will host a free web-based asynchronous panel discussion on Careers in Technology Transfer, September 14-18.