Members of the Sam Nunn Security Program pose with Congressman John Lewis during the group's 2015 spring trip to Washington, D.C.  
A lot of times Ph.D. student Marc Canellas has found himself daydreaming in class — daydreaming about how policy relates to science, that is.
Concerned about the academic job market? Thinking about non-academic careers? Georgia Tech now offers a resource that will make your life a little easier.
Versatile PhD — a free resource provided by Georgia Tech for graduate students and postdocs — will host a virtual panel discussion on careers in software development Feb. 22-26.
After 19 years of service to Tech, Cozzens, vice provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development (VPGEFD), will retire on June 30. 
Front of the A. French Building
The Office of Postdoctoral Services has moved from Clough Commons to the A. French Building.
Last year, there were nearly 100 counts of theft at Georgia Tech — not physical theft, but theft of words.
Mark your calendars for the Sept. 20 Postdoctoral Research Symposium.
In April, students and postdoctoral scholars were celebrated at the 2019 TA and Future Faculty Awards Day.
Check out the child care centers open to any Tech students and faculty.
2020 Focus Program Cohort
The 2020 Focus Program welcomed over 200 participants from more than 90 institutions across the country.