The six-week courses are designed for spouses of matriculated Tech students and visiting scholars.
Georgia Tech’s many international students and visiting scholars are required to demonstrate a certain level of fluency in English. If they are married, however, their spouses may need more help with the language. Georgia Tech’s Language Institute offers classes for spouses of international students whose first language is not English.
For its second spring 2017 session, the Language Institute is offering three six-week courses: Reading Club, Speaking/Listening, and Idioms and Vocabulary in Television. All classes are $100.
Brief course descriptions are included below. For complete information and to apply, visit the Language Institute website.
Reading Club
High Intermediate to Advanced
March 13 to May 3 (Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 – 11:30 a.m.)
Students will read a short novel, short stories, and news articles. They will discuss characters, themes, and ideas with their classmates and make connections to the broader world. Students are expected to read regularly outside of class and to come to class prepared to discuss the readings.
High Intermediate to Advanced
March 14 to May 4 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 – 11:30 a.m.)
Students will listen to an audiobook to improve their listening skills, and they will discuss the book using newly acquired vocabulary to improve their speaking skills. They will also listen to other selected assignments, such as TED talks or news interviews.
Idioms and Vocabulary in Television
Beginner to Intermediate
March 14 to May 4 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon — 1:30 p.m.)
Students will develop speaking and listening skills in English, focusing on vocabulary, while learning about American culture via the medium of television. The class will watch and analyze two or three genres of television programs, possibly including comedies, dramas, and news shows.
The Language Institute is located in the Biltmore at 151 Sixth Street N.W. Full course descriptions are available here.