September 19-23 is National Postdoc Appreciation Week. The purpose of this week is to celebrate the contributions of postdoctoral scholars at Georgia Tech. This year’s theme is "Finding Your Balance". The Office of Postdoctoral Services will be holding a series of virtual and in-person events to promote all aspects of well-being.

September 19-23 is National Postdoc Appreciation Week. The purpose of this week is to celebrate the contributions of postdoctoral scholars at Georgia Tech. This year’s theme is ‘Finding Your Balance’, and the Office of Postdoctoral Services will be holding a series of virtual and in-person events to promote all aspects of well-being.

This virtual webinar features Dr. Kyla Ross, who is the Assistant Vice Provost for Advocacy and Conflict Resolution at Georgia Tech. Learn why communication challenges and conflicts arise in teams, identify your style under stress, and work towards moving forward in difficult situations while preserving personal and professional relationships. Please register by Monday, September 19th.